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Super jump change sugestions

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Super jump is an ability that Moths and Bees use if their target is not in melee range. It's instant cast in a large AoE around them, stuns for 7 seconds and does massive damage. From what I understand, It's intended to prevent people from safespotting them.

The issue with this ability though is twofold, they're difficult to disengage from without using substitution jutsu and breaking off aggro all together and Knockbacks/Knockups cause them to cast super jump the moment they're pushed out of melee range, making them actively detrimental to use.

My proposed change is to simply give super jump a cast time that is unable to be cast while moving. That way they're less punishing to people using knock backs and allows a bit of counterplay while still punishing people who abuse safespots.

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I think that an anti-safespotting mechanic is needed for obvious reasons but the current version of the charge/stun mechanic called "Super Jump" is just too punishing. Players will say that it isnt a big deal, you just gotta work around it, but that is problematic in itself. It is a flawed mechanic. A punishing mechanic like this 7 second stun serves no purpose other than to prevent safespotting, however if you are not safespotting there is still a high chance it gets used on you. This is why it is punishing while at the same time providing a negative gameplay feature that, in my opinion, is unintended. I suggest a complete rework of the mechanic or at the very least reduce the stun duration to a few seconds. Im not sure if I understand the proposed cast feature and how that would fix the problem? My biggest problem is that I am hit with "Super Jump" when I am playing the game normally and not safespotting. However it gets fixed im okay with, but this mechanic is probably my least favorite thing about the alpha right now.  

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