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Tsuki's Rest (Lore)

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Tsuki's Rest has long since been left to its own business in the southern mountains of the peninsula. Its thriving hot springs bring many travelers to its rocky outcrop in hopes of soothing their aching bodies and blessings of the towns spiritual guardian. Founded long before chakra, the town had been home to a great warrior bearing the same name. Tsuki lead the village forces proudly against those who would otherwise harm the town. Her elite guard would pass down their teaching eventually becoming the Sarutobi clan. These ancient warriors would settle the town further driving it to be one of the largest towns until the founding of Notchi City by the Hyuuga.
Tsuki's Rest is the capital of the Sarutobi featuring their royal compound on the highest hill in town. The trees in this area are known to be older than men themselves, providing shade to the men and women who live so close to the sun. Its bustling streets wind through the hillside, all leading to the Sarutobi compound. The people of Tsuki's Rest have thrived for generations in their perch, tending to weary travelers and living their lives mostly at peace.

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