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Expectations in Alpha

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Thank you all for being patient. Our journey started from a simple idea in early 2012, has been dropped a few times, and was picked up again in early 2019. It took a lot of convincing and effort to get the game to this stage. What stage is that? An Alpha Sandbox

I want everyone to be on the same page as to expectations- this is not even close to a completed game. This is not even a beta. This is an alpha.. a sandbox alpha. Getting the game to this stage on the back end, getting 3D models together, getting the right people in the right places has taken a long time. We did it. 


When you log in tomorrow you will be spawned in a demo version of the Land of Fire- this is a huge work in progress & will be constantly updated on a weekly basis. You will watch the Land of Fire be developed right before your eyes! We're releasing a small part of it for now for players to have fun in.  This is the stage of the game where your feedback is greatly appreciated. This is when your wacky ideas have a shot at being reality; this is when you are able to help make the game.  We still have a long road ahead of us, but at least now we have enough to be able to host players in the game, be able to have players test jutsu, weapons, armor, and the systems as a whole.  


You've arrived at the very start of what is going to be a large family of Ninja RPers who want to join us in making the game we've always wanted. Bear with us, and stick along for the long-run! 


Till next time,

Vlad & the Shinobi Story Team

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