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What is the name of your organization? <Academy Instructor>

Player Leader: Hirota

NPC Leader: (If applicable)  Hirota

How and why did your organization come into existence? Teaching young shinobi

In which territories does your organization operate? Land of Fire

Who is your organization allied with? (clans, other organizations, etc) N/A

Who are your enemies? N/A

What are your relationships with the various feudal lords? No relation

What are you looking for in members, both IC (clan affiliations, character goals, morals, etc) and OOC (PvE focused, PvP focused, trading and profession focused)? Those willing to learn

What is the purpose of your organization? You don't need to give away any goals or plans you want to keep hidden, just a general overview of what you stand for: Teaching the weak to become chuunin

Does your organization require a uniform or partial uniform? No

Do you have a member limit? No

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